Grinding an Architect Nib

Finally got around to grinding nibs today. Started with a standard steel M nib in a Jinhao X750 and had it down in less an hour. It is surprisingly satisfying to shape a nib to your will. I started the grind with 800 grit sandpaper, fine tuned the shape with 1500 grit and finished off… Continue reading Grinding an Architect Nib

Mini Review: Moonman Wancai Mini Fountain Pen

...and a tirade on steps. The Moonman Wancai fountain pen has been in my everyday carry for the past year so this is a long-term reflection. I hesitate to call this a review as the pen has been on the market for a while and the post includes my thoughts on step-down on pen bodies,… Continue reading Mini Review: Moonman Wancai Mini Fountain Pen

Pen Review: LingMo Lorelei Fountain Pen

Chinese fountain pens have gained slowly recognition as affordable and decent writers. The dupes of highly sought after pens and famous hacks like the Jinhao/G nib flex frankenpen are reviewed all over. Here, I'll be reviewing the LingMo Lorelei. LingMo is not a household name with Chinese fountain pens, and I was excited to give… Continue reading Pen Review: LingMo Lorelei Fountain Pen